
The Javascript Client comes bundled with Puth. If you have installed Puth, then you already have the Javascript Client.


In this example, we will use nodejs to run the example code.

So lets require the Puth Client, make our first context and open this website.

const {RemotePuthClient, LocalPuthClient} = require("puth");
(async () => {
// Setup the Puth Client
// const client = new LocalPuthClient();
const puth = new RemotePuthClient('');
// Create a new Context
let context = await puth.contextCreate();
// Creating a Browser instance
let browser = await context.createBrowser({
headless: false, // With headless = false, you will see the Browser window
// Use the Browsers default Page
let page = (await browser.pages())[0];
// Lets open this website in the Browser
await page.goto('');
console.log('Successfully opened', await page.url());
// Destroy the context
await context.destroy();
// Thats it! :)

What is a Context#

A Context is your main Object on the Server. You always interact with the Context. There are only two functions to get started: createBrowser and connectBrowser. With createBrowser you will create a Browser on you Puth Server. With connectServer you let your Context connect to an external Browser instance. connectBrowser internally calls puppeteer.connect() while createBrowser internally calls puppeteer.launch().

When you have created/connected to a Browser, you have all of puppeteer's functions and of all of your Plugins functionality available.

For example, if you have started your own Browser in Daemon mode, you can connect with the Devtools Websocket URI.

let browser = await context.connectBrowser({
browserWSEndpoint: 'ws://',