Write your own client

Here you will learn how to create a client for Puth. Puth is on the one hand a http server over which you work via remote prcedure calls on the remote objects.

Puths Api#

We use the following 5 api endpoints to write our own client.

Principles of remote object interactions#

The Api always returns one of the following types: GenericObject, GenericValue or Error.

A GenericObject response does not contain the actual object, it contains an Representation (Object with id, type and represents).

A GenericValue response contains the actual value. You only get a GenericValue response if the returning value, of f.e. a function call, is serializable.


The client never gets the actual objects on which you interact. It only knows the Representation of objects, it is somewhat like a Handle/Pointer/Symbol.

Lets start#

Our goal is to connect to Puth, then create our first context, browser and page. Then we want to open a website. I will represent the actual http requests for this. You can use any language, i will just show some example prototype code in javascript for easier understanding.

// This is a prototype code representation of our goal
puth = Puth(''); // Puth will be the final client
context = puth.contextCreate();
browser = context.createBrowser();
page = browser.newPage();

Creating a new Context#

To create a new context we need to make a POST request to /context.

contextRepresentation = request('POST', '/context');

Creating a new Browser#

Now we have the Representation of the Context. Next we want to instantiate a new Browser.

To create a new Browser we need to call the createBrowser function on the context. So we need to make a PATCH request to /context/call.

contextRepresentation = request('POST', '/context');
browserRepresentation = request('PATCH', '/context/call', {
context: contextRepresentation,
function: 'createBrowser',

Creating a new Page#

Now we have the Representation of the Browser. Next we want to instantiate a new Page.

To create a new Page we need to call the newPage function on the Browser object within the context. Again we need to make a PATCH request to /context/call but now containing the object with which we want to interact.

contextRepresentation = request('POST', '/context');
browserRepresentation = request('PATCH', '/context/call', {
context: contextRepresentation,
function: 'createBrowser',
pageRepresentation = request('PATCH', '/context/call', {
context: contextRepresentation,
id: browserRepresentation.id,
type: browserRepresentation.type,
function: 'createPage',

Opening a website on the page#

Now we have the Representation of the Page. Next we want to go to a website.

To go to a website on the page, we need to call the goto function on the Page object within the context. Again we need to make a PATCH request to /context/call but now containing the object with which we want to interact.

/* .... */
pageRepresentation = request('PATCH', '/context/call', {
context: contextRepresentation,
id: browserRepresentation.id,
type: browserRepresentation.type,
function: 'createPage',
request('PATCH', '/context/call', {
context: contextRepresentation,
id: pageRepresentation.id,
type: pageRepresentation.type,
function: 'goto',
parameters: [

Working example#

The following code illustrates what we have learned in this tutorial. Now you know how to interact with Puth. If you want to have a look on the official js client, you can go to LINK

Dependencies: axios. Written for nodejs.
const axios = require('axios');
(async () => {
// Create axios instance
let instance = axios.create({
baseURL: '',
// Create context
let contextRepr = await instance.post('/context', {})
.then(r => r.data)
// Call createBrowser on Context
let browserRepr = await instance.patch('/context/call', {
context: contextRepr,
id: contextRepr.id,
type: contextRepr.type,
function: 'createBrowser',
.then(r => r.data)
// Call createPage on Browser
let pageRepr = await instance.patch('/context/call', {
context: contextRepr,
id: browserRepr.id,
type: browserRepr.type,
function: 'newPage',
.then(r => r.data)
// Call goto on Page
await instance.patch('/context/call', {
context: contextRepr,
id: pageRepr.id,
type: pageRepr.type,
function: 'goto',
parameters: [
.then(r => r.data)
// Cal url function on page
let pageUrl = await instance.patch('/context/call', {
context: contextRepr,
id: pageRepr.id,
type: pageRepr.type,
function: 'url',
.then(r => r.data)
console.log('page url is', pageUrl.value);
// Cleanup: delete the context
await instance.delete('/context', {
data: {
id: contextRepr.id,